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Partnership Publishing

As partners, we help people plan, write, edit, publish, and market their books. 

We start with authors' big visions for their book, business, message, movement, or brand, and then we build to that outcome from whatever stage they are in. We offer our authors book-coaching services, developmental- and line-editing services, ghostwriting services, and the guidance of publishing specialists and marketing gurus. A world-changing book takes a world-class team. 

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Our Authors

Through careful selection, we mostly work with field-leading and fast-rising influencers, thought leaders, experts, business leaders, coaches/consultants, innovators, activists, celebrities, and change makers who truly want to serve and delight the world with their books.



Whether working with a first-time or established author, we work best with those 100 percent committed to making a difference with their books.

While we produce any type of nonfiction book that changes lives and alters the world, we are paying special attention to the following genres in 2019:

  • Education

  • Education and mindfulness

  • Life skills in education

  • Education reform

  • Prison reform

  • Healing trauma

  • Overcoming trauma

  • Conscious business

  • Social entrepreneurship

  • Millennial entrepreneurship


Marketing Your Book

We market books to create the Virtuous Cycle.

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Building on models and strategies of today's field-leading book-marketing experts and New York Times best-selling gurus, we design, implement, oversee, and refine innovative marketing techniques tailored specifically for our authors and their unique projects.

Marketing to us is not just about aggressive, short-term tactics that reach best-seller lists. It is also about building long-term relationships that perennially sell books and add value to everyone involved for years to come. 


Partnership Publishing in Comparison


Traditional Publishing

Partnership Publishing


You make roughly 5%-15% royalties

 You can make up to 100% royalties

You can make up to 100% royalties

The book is sold to the audience you built 

We help you build your audience and reach it powerfully

You must build and reach your audience alone

Could take years to go from idea to proposal to published book

We could publish your book within weeks

Moves as fast or slow as you can build the whole team you need

You can lose content control

We'll work together with you to produce your most impactful writing

You have to find skilled editors who get your voice and material



We match each author with the team that best fits their goals and needs.  

As a boutique publishing house, we supplement our world-class in-house editors, ghostwriters, consultants, designers, publishing specialists, quality control team, and marketing specialists with the perfect people for whatever job we take on.

Throughout our projects, we’ve worked closely with multiple New York Times best-selling ghostwriter/editors, award-winning designers, publishing specialists who’ve brought more than three hundred books to life, and marketing specialists who’ve put many books on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists.